There’s an air of mystique about the closeness of every seaside town. For every thrill in hopping from one coastal gem to the other, a mirrored reflection of those precious stones shines inland only minutes into the winding hills.
The rugged beauty of ochre cliffs is held captive by the snaking Bond-Film roads, setting a scene for chasing one of the most alluring peninsula’s on the planet.
Kuarna and Peramangk Country has always been home to a special life force that brings a sense of peace to anyone who inhabits it. Perhaps it’s the wild combination of sea and sky or that of land and light. One is overwhelmed and cradled by the protective and nurturing hills; with its bounty of food and drink.
As true devotees of the mid coast, we of course need to pay our respects to the obvious coastal land marks, the Star Of Greece and the giant Buddhist Temple right through to the forest filled Myponga lakes and the enchanted Second Valley cliffs. It has really got everything in every season and yet there’s a power in the mystery of it all.